Saturday 20th September dawned grey and damp but the spirits of members of the Fowlmere and Thriplow Gardening Club were riding high. The long tables in Fowlmere Village Hall were bright with colourful displays of lovely flowers and foliage. There were amazing and abundant fruits and vegetables. The jars of jams, jellies and chutneys looked mouth-watering. Delectable cakes and scones sat waiting to be tasted. The men had cleverly made and decorated cupcakes. Talented hands had knitted, sewed, embroidered, painted and worked in wood. Clever photographers had taken eye-catching shots of gardens, trees and villages. Lots of children, some as young as three, had used the garden theme creatively to produce imaginative animals, bookmarks and more.
During the morning well-qualified judges circulated the displays, carefully considering each of the many entries. Prizes were awarded; points amassed.
Visitors arrived for the afternoon to admire the superb displays of flowers, fruits and vegetables and marvel at the tallest delphinium, the longest bean, the funniest fruit animal, the largest pot plant, the prettiest painting and the tastiest shortbread! After viewing they were rewarded with tea and a slice – or two – of cake.
Tension was high as Mary Duff, Club Chairman, thanked all those involved in putting on such a successful show. She then invited Philip Whaites, Head Gardener of Wimpole Estate, to present the awards. Show Co-ordinator, Sue Pinner, was rewarded for all her hard work by winning a number of awards, culminating as overall winner in the whole of the Horticultural Society Banksian Medal. Other winners included Jane Dring, Jo Fisher and Derek Pinner. Finally, and dispite his Yorkshire origins, Philip Whaites awarded the prize for best exhibit in the whole show for a perfect red rose grown by Sue Allsworth.
The day ended with a lively auction of jams awnd cakes, flowers and other garden produce, followed by the raffle results. It was a happy and enjoyable day for all concerned!