A very well attended Meeting saw Fowlmere Village Hall filled with plants for the home and the conservatory. Lamorna, our local expert, was waxing lyrical about her favourite topic. Make “Right plant, right place” your motto. You must take into consideration the conditions of your space. Do your homework (read books and plant tags), ask for advice at the garden centre, and determine which plants will thrive in the available sun or shade.
Lamorna reminded us to take into consideration the available light, the watering regime and the warmth necessary for each plant to prosper. Of course you can just purchase a plant recognising that it will only last a few weeks but will give you much pleasure while it displays beautiful, exotic flowers, but much more satisfying is a plant which last for ages through your own loving care.
Lamorna had many tips for successful indoor plant care – here are some of them:-
- Remember to turn your plant once a week – a quarter turn would be ideal
- Check on the available light especially in the winter – clean windows help!
- Open your curtains early in the morning to access available light
- Dust your plants!
- Beware of marauding children or animals!
- Don’t overwater especially in the winter
- Check when your plant needs watering – stick your finger in the pot (honestly) – if it comes out dusty then water it!
- Brown tips on the leaves of your plant indicates a lack of moisture.
I blanch at the thought of recommending particular plants for you to purchase. If you were at the meeting you will already know Lamorna’s hot choices. if not I suggest that you visit our excellent garden centre – S………, I think it is called. if you are lucky you will see Lamorna herself offering customers advice.
This would normally be the last meeting of the Club year but the Committee has decided on a more efficient format, changing to a one year programme: January to December from 2015 with further monthly Meetings included to the end of this year.