October 2012 – AGM and Quiz

What a year! The Golden Jubilee celebrations continue …………………. Even our Social Quiz had a Golden theme thanks to Quiz master, Glen Link. Successful, too, was our Jubilee dinner – Thriplow Village Hall looked a picture with the sparkling white table linen showing off the beautiful yellow flower arrangements put together by Shirley Cooper. Marcia’s splendid catering did us proud – the evening provided us with several entries to our memory-banks! I shall always remember the pleasant atmosphere and the continuous happy buzz of friendly conversations.

At our AGM we voted in Carol Clarke as our Membership Secretary and Sue Pinner as a Committee member. Sue Allsworth is our new Vice Chair (oh yes, I am still the Chair!), Keith Evans moved to the post of Treasurer with Jo Fisher, Barbara Harper, Gwyneth Page, Michael Pollard, Hilary Magnay and Joan Smith remaining on the Committee. One long-standing Committee member has resigned – we will all miss Shirley Cooper whose support and contribution to the Club has been invaluable over so many years. We could not manage without the stalwarts who are always there to lend a hand – Jane & Robin Dring, Liz & Owen Smeeton, Ken Allsworth, Andrew Francis, Jill and Mel Vinton – the list is endless. Indeed a sincere ‘thank you’ must be extended to all our members who make the Club such a happy one. Come and see for yourself – join us for our Christmas buffet on 6 December when we will enjoy our splendid Christmas buffet after listening to Mike Day talking about ‘Vegetable varieties today’

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