After a gloomy rainy day the evening brightened up and the number of patches of blue sky increased. Against the background of playful cats and low-flying birds David Holmes entertained us in the garden of Brambledown – home of our genial hosts – Ken and Sue Allsworth.
Did you know that the best garlands are made from hazel, oak, wild cherry and even privet? David brought with him examples of these flexible branches which could be willingly coaxed into perfect hoops ready to be festooned with garden flowers and foliage. A hot glue gun comes in handy if you want to attach cones for a Christmas garland, florist’s wire can be wound around stalks of all kinds of plants before threading them between the slender branches of the garland. You don’t need to go to a lot of trouble – just find some holly, yew or box to form an evergreen background and gradually build up a collection of herbs and flowers. Suddenly you have your own piece of living art which will last for a long time – especially if you regularly replace tired plant material. Sue was our willing volunteer who successfully made her own garland and several members walked away with bunches of branches ready to be woven into perfect examples of David’s art!
The evening ended with wine and nibbles – a lovely way to spend some summer hours with friends.