Welcome to another Gardening Club Year

Our first meeting will be at 7.45pm on 6 February in Fowlmere Village Hall. We start with our popular Group Quiz evening when Glen Link poses a variety of questions from General Knowledge, Brain teasers etc to plant identification. Do come along – it is a splendid opportunity to chat with other members over a glass of wine and a nibble or two!

The Quiz follows a very brief AGM when we summarise our 2019 activities and elect Committee members for 2020. Don’t worry, no-one will try and bamboozle you into joining the Committee! However, we would welcome some new faces so please speak to me before the meeting starts if you feel you can help! It will be an interesting year as we will begin to plan our celebrations to mark the Club’s Silver Anniversary in 2022! Yes we will be 60 years

Mary Duff

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