Yes, this really is an article from the Gardening Club but a report simply about the proceedings of our AGM is never going to catch your attention so let’s talk about traditions instead!
What is a tradition? Well loosely speaking it is” a belief or behaviour passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past’ (thanks to Wikipaedia) Think carving the turkey at Christmas, hiding the Easter eggs, visiting that lovely place in Italy year after year….. I am sure that you can think of many traditions within your family. Why am I spending time reflecting on the meaning of the word, tradition? Countries, religions, families – all have traditions so why not a Gardening Club? A tradition began recently at our AGM!
Many years ago Florrie Hitch was the Club member in charge of refreshments – a job which she carried out with style and panache. But there comes a time when someone else has to take over the reins – who would Florrie choose? This was round about forty years ago when a young enthusiastic member joined the Club and subsequently caught Florrie’s eye – I am talking about Joan Smith who agreed to take over Florrie’s role and the moment was symbolised by Florrie handing over of a basket containing all the items needed for Joan to carry out her duties. Why am I telling you this? Well, after many years of splendid service to the Club Joan has decided to resign from the Committee and will no longer hold the responsibility for providing refreshments. Once a tradition has been
started it is difficult to stop it, so it is with our story. The tradition begun by Florrie contin-ues and the basket was ceremonially handed over to Rosemary Jones. Another era has begun!
Sue Pinner also resigned from her position as Vice Chair and was thanked for her sterling service to the Club especially as Vice Chair but also for her tireless involvement in organising the Club’s Annual Shows. Glen Link was voted in as the new Vice Chair – a very
popular choice with members. As well as Glen’s longstanding role in all aspects of the Club, she is also an excellent compiler of Quizzes and the night of the AGM was no exception and we all ended the evening pouring over her latest set of questions with a glass of wine!
The other Committee members were voted in unanimously (including the Chair!) Come along to our next meeting and meet them all!
Mary Duff