This month we saw the return of Geoff Hodge a very informative and entertaining speaker. Geoff took us through the main elements of keeping the weed growth in our gardens to a minimum.
He reminded us that there is an environmental thought that weeds are not all bad and can help biodiversity. We were then given an excellent lecture on how to keep the invasion of unwanted plants which are commonly known as wildflowers growing in the wrong place. He asked if we knew of the miracle cure, abbreviated V.I.A.P. …..vigilance, instant action and persistence – find the weeds and take action early to eradicate.
There are different types of weeds, those seeds that germinate and grow within a year and others which stay dormant in the ground for years. The policy of “no-dig” will help to prevent these latter types of weeds flourishing because when the soil is turned all the dormant seeds are exposed to the light and will then germinate. There can be 40,000 seeds present in a square meter of soil waiting to grow.
Geoff then discussed the various implements to help us tackle the weeds in our garden, his favourite being the Dutch hoe kept in good condition by regularly sharpening. He advocated the use of a fork rather than a spade. A good fine mulch of at least 5cms will help to prevent growth. Then there are chemicals which Geoff had brought with him which had a wide range of different active ingredients. Ready to use or concentrate which should be stored in a dark place in a cooler area – not in the greenhouse. The most effective time to spray is the evening and from April to the end of September.
A short Q and A followed.
Heather Scally