On Saturday 17th September at 2 pm Fowlmere and Thriplow Gardening
Club held its 60th Anniversary Show in Fowlmere Village Hall. Despite,
the very dry summer, there were a record number of exhibits on show.
The hall was brimming with colourful flowers, fruit, vegetable, beautiful
floral displays, handicrafts, home produce, photographs, and children’s
exhibits including vegetable animals. Of particular note, was a terrific
display of dahlias. Exhibitors were competing for a new trophy donated
by Bernard Meggitt in memory of his wife Brenda a dedicated club
member who loved dahlias. The over ladened tombola table, a raffle of
marvellous prizes and a “Name the Doll” competition made for a fun
afternoon during which copious tea, cake and biscuits were consumed.
At about 4 pm the major awards were presented by Mr David Walston
of Thriplow Farms and the afternoon was wrapped up with an auction
of produce.
The Club Chair, Mrs Mary Duff thanked all of those who organised the
show, the many local sponsors, the exhibitors, and club members who
had exhibited, the judges who had assessed and the public who had
attended. The successful show made a profit and in due course a
generous donation will be made to Perennial – The Gardeners’ Royal
Benevolent Society.
Congratulations to the following exhibitors who won awards: Hilary
Arthur, Jenny Brew, Sarah Brock, Jane Cameron, Mary Duff, Keith
Goodwin (the Dahlia Cup), Barry Jones, Rosemary Jones, Glen Link
Gwyneth Page, Sue Pinner, Elyse Walston and David Warboys
The Best Horticultural Exhibit in the Show was awarded to Mr Michael
Casey for his outstanding sunflower.
The Royal Horticultural Society Banksian Medals were presented to
David Warboys for gaining the most points in horticultural classes and to Michael Pollard and Joan Smith for their services to the Club.