This will be a unique entry for the Club files as members of the Gardening Club tend to hide their lights under bushels and never get a mention in dispatches! Sorry about the mixed metaphors! So, having been elected Chair of the Club for another year I thought that readers might like to know the names of those unseen Committee members who support me in every way and help to make the Club a successful one with an evergrowing
Vice Chair for another year is Sue Pinner who will continue to organize the Annual Show in September. Keith Evans is still our worthy Treasurer despite having moved to Girton. Margaret Jackson looks after hall bookings as well as membership matters with over eighty names on the books. Where would we be without Sue Allsworth – our efficient, Meetings Secretary? With Bernard Meggitt at the helm as Website Co-ordinator we have made great IT strides this year thanks to the support and co-operation of villager Nick Wittering. Jill Vinton now has responsibility for competitions and Joan Smith and Michael Pollard between them cover refreshments and raffles.
Two new members joined us at the AGM – both already members of the Show Group. Barry Jones was coopted to the Committee halfway through the year and has already mastered our sound system. We have high hopes for his assistance too with publicity matters. Jenny Brew has already contributed good ideas for future classes for the Annual Show and I am sure that we will benefit from her past experience and extensive horticultural matters.
Beyond the Committee we have many members who give willingly of the time including Glen Link – our Show Day Administrator and Jean Tomlinson – Chief Steward at the Annual Show as well as members of the Show Group and Programme Committee.
Let’s give three cheers for all these wonderful people!
The AGM was followed by the marvelous Annual Quiz, run by Glen Link and this was greatly enjoyed. The quiz was won by Shirley Wittering’s table who all received lovely polyanthus as prizes. The wine and nibbles provided were also enjoyed by all.
Glen Link was thanked most sincerely and was presented with a Garden voucher in appreciation of her efforts. The winner of the competition for the most splendid five snowdrops was won by Jane Dring.
Mary Duff February 2016