August 2013 Summer Soiree

Another summer, another soirée. It has become customary for the Gardening Club to hold an annual evening get-together in a member’s garden. So on a balmy evening in August nearly 50 gardeners partied in the beautiful garden of Robin and Jane Dring. Over a glass of wine we wandered around the flower beds admiring the superb collection of plants but also trying to identify unusual specimens in an attempt to win the horticultural quiz. Would you know your Polygonatum (Solomon’s Seal) from your Smilacina – often confused with Solomon’s Seal? Could you identify Dictamnus albus – the burning bush or Glaucium flavum – the horned poppy? It was quite a relief to recognise tarragon and oleander! Congratulations to Jill and Mel Vinton who won this tricky quiz.

Jane had also devised an antiques quiz so our imagination was stretched as we tried to identify items collected over the years. A Roman roof tile from a privately-owned Roman villa near Salisbury dating from the 3rd century created the most discussion. A close second was the knitting stick – apparently you could drive your horse and cart whilst knitting with just one stick (needle) under your arm! Equally intriguing was the copper beer warmer – its pointed end was placed into hot coals to achieve a more pleasant drink. Jenny Brew and Freda Spencer, F&TGC members from Foxton won this quiz – well done ladies!

The first meeting of the Club year is on 3 October when we gather around tables in Fowlmere Village Hall to enjoy a quiz devised by Glen Link. Do come along to sample the friendliness of our popular club. Some of the questions will be about plants and gardens but there is always a good sprinkling of general knowledge questions. Accompanied by drinks and nibbles this is always a most enjoyable evening.

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