The intrepid members of the Gardening Club braved the elements to visit a Cambridge town house garden at 17 Mariners Way, Chesterton CB4 1BN. The rain eased just for us, and the sun shone just long enough for us to look around this plantsman’s garden. Although a small garden Margaret had designed it so that every inch was used – tall pittosporum shrubs formed an evergreen hedge, a fountain played in the centre of a patio with borders containing low-growing flowers and vegetables. A pergola hosted roses and clematis with a raised bed groaning with ferns had found a home on the shady side of the house. Green Men peered out from amongst the beautiful roses, heucheras and hardy geraniums. There were too many unusual plants for us to remember the names. The more hardy members had their note-books at the ready to record their favourites!! We rounded off the visit with Margaret’s fruit punch and cream scones – totally wicked as we then enjoyed a pub supper!