Hello readers!
As you have probably guessed our programme of talks has been suspended until at least October. Sadly, too, our Annual Show will no longer take place in September. However, we have optimistically booked Fowlmere Village Hall for our 2021 Show!
Hanna Roberts had been busily arranging the 2020 Club tour to Yorkshire in June but unfortunately this has been cancelled too. However, we hope to arrange the same tour for June 2021 – this would include visits to Belton House, RHS Harlow Carr Garden, Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal Water Garden, Scampston Hall & Walled Garden, Breezy Knees Gardens and Elton Hall & Gardens. There are still a few places available – but only a few – as the 2020 participants have all elected to wait until next year to enjoy these beautiful gardens.
Do contact Hanna Roberts for the latest information -01763 209352 or hannatroberts@gmail.com
Keep safe, keep smiling and keep gardening
Mary Duff