Cancellation of 2020 meetings

Fowlmere and Thriplow Gardening Club

Cancellation of 2020 meetings

With regret the Club has taken the decision to cancel our remaining meetings for 2020 – October, November and December.  Although village halls may be opening up for small meetings your Committee felt that it would be unwise and maybe unsafe to ask you to gather.  Also, both village halls could only safely accommodate under 30 people so it would be very difficult and disappointing to turn members away due to the limit on numbers


However, the good news is that nearly all of the 2020 speakers have agreed to come to speak to us in 2021.  We remain optimistic and look forward to getting together again for the regular February Quiz and a very short (!) AGM in 2021.


Members who have already paid their subscription for 2020 will not be asked to pay anything for 2021 – ‘a contribution holiday!” Admission for non-members will remain at £3 per meeting.


Finally, our Club will celebrate 60 years in 2022 and we are already beginning to think how we can mark this achievement.  If you have any ideas please get in touch with any Committee member


Keep safe. keep gardening


Mary Duff

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