The Gardening Club’s 2017 AGM was held in FVH when the present Management Committee was re-elected. Thus the Chair and Vice Chair (Mary Duff and Sue Pinner) agreed to continue for another year as did Committee members Barry Jones, Jenny Brew, Michael Pollard, Joan Smith, Jill Vinton, Margaret Jackson and Bernard Meggitt.
Thanks were given to Keith Evans and Sue Allsworth who retired after sterling work as Treasurer and Secretary but never fear, Ken Allsworth was unanimously elected to keep the Allsworth flag flying – he joined Judy Murch (our new Treasurer) and Robin Cox as new Committee members!
Following the AGM we enjoyed another fun quiz with a record number of members present – over 50! Glen Link provided the questions in her usual unflappable way. Thank you Glen!
Mary Duff (Chair F&TGClub)