15 September 2017 – Annual Show: Flowers, Crafts & Produce – Fowlmere & Thriplow Gardening Club

Visitors to the Fowlmere and Thriplow Gardening Club’s Annual Show held in Fowlmere Village Hall this year, were treated to a hall packed with first class display of horticultural, home produce and handicraft exhibits at the Club’s flagship annual event.

Without exception the flowers and foliage whether individually cut, bunched, arranged, indoors or out, large or small, standing in bikinis or in pots all looked beautiful. There were apples galore and notwithstanding that, all the fruit looked ready to eat, even the bunch of grapes.  The vegetable tables seemed to be buckling under the weight of produce and there were some eye-wateringly large onions, leeks and carrots. The displays of, and aroma from, homemade cakes, biscuits and jams would have graced the show stands of the Great British Bake Off.  The variety of craftwork was exquisite. The photographs were numerous, clever and artistic.

So many exhibits had been provided from the children of the two villages that display boards had to be borrowed and a separate room set aside to show them.


All the judges, ably assisted by the club stewards, did a splendid job determining class and section winners not an easy task. At the presentation ceremony, Chair Mary Duff, welcomed the Club’s visitors, commented on the high number of entries and thanked the show coordinator Barry Jones, the show group and everybody involved in organising and helping. She said, it was one of the best shows in recent memory.  Mary then introduced Sir Graham Wynne, who started by congratulating all the exhibitors on the quality and variety of their exhibits.

He then presented the Royal Horticultural Society’s prestigious Banksian medal to Julie Kitson. Other awards were presented to Hilary Arthur, Jenny Brew, Jane Cameron, Jane Dring, Margaret Jackson, Rosemary Jones, Barry Jones, Rowena Lee, Joan Smith, David Warboys, and Harold Webb.  Alex Kovaios, and Matthew Van Wyk, won the trophies in the Children’s Section.

The well supported tombola, garden stall and raffle added to the success of the show which closed with its traditional auction of produce. The auctioneer Barry Jones, concluded by saying, a great afternoon was had by all thanks to the great teamwork of the Show Group!

Barry Jones – Show Co-ordinator


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