Such an enjoyable evening! Members patiently sat through the AGM of the Gardening Club (more about that later) and then seven teams enthusiastically joined in the Annual Quiz. Heads down, pencils at the ready, thinking caps on and away we went! Photographs of famous people to identify, cryptic ‘horticultural’ clues to work out, general knowledge questions to answer and that was only the beginning! The most thought-provoking and the most challenging, teasing round of all was the identification of plants! Our quiz master Glen Link gently but gleefully reminded us that we were Gardening Club members -. what was she implying? Seriously we do thank Glen for devising such an interesting quiz which was enjoyed by everyone.
Now the AGM – how do you make that an interesting occasion? Well, our Vice Chair, Sue Pinner gave an excellent summary of the 2018 Annual Show, Judy Murch, our Treasurer explained in welcome layman’s terms the financial state of the Club, Margaret Jackson, our Membership Secretary reminded us that there were only 35 members in 2000 but we now have 84 on our books! Quite an achievement. Needless to say, we were not surprised when these worthies were re-elected to their positions as were Ken Allsworth, Joan Smith and Jill Vinton. We said farewell to Bernard Meggitt, Michael Pollard and Jenny Brew who were presented with gifts to mark their retirement from the Committee although they will still be assisting the Club – there’s no escape! We welcomed Rosemary Jones and Glen Link to the Committee and look forward to another successful happy Club Year.
Oh yes, the who won the Quiz? It was the team consisting of the Vintons, the Wildings and the Duffs (!) who went home clutching their prizes – superb pots of beautiful primulas. Thank you, Glen for a lovely time.
Don’t mis the next meeting. Robert Brett, the Curator of Hyde Hall was not able to come and talk to us last year because of the snow! Remember that? We are hoping for good weather this March! See you on 7 March at Fowlmere Village Hall.
Mary Duff (re-elected as Chair for another year!)