1 March 2018 – The Delights & Possibilities of RHS Hyde Hall – Robert Brett – Weather Aborted

Sadly these ‘Delights & Possibilities’ were denied us by  the continuing fast blast of the ‘Beast from the East’ of a very cold freezing evening with snow & ice preventing our Speaker attempting the journey from East Essex. With thanks to our Vice-Chair, Sue Pinner, most Members were informed by email & were happy to stay by their warm fires; a few brave souls turned out but were forced (!!) to retire to the Pub fire with hot toddies. (The Chair very sensibly was on holiday in much warmer climes!)

After waiting two years for Robert Brett’s visit only to be aborted by the weather, he has kindly agreed to re-schedule his talk in 2019, so the ‘Delights & Possibilities’ will be improved for us by another year of work at RHS Hyde Hall.

Bernard Meggitt (FTGC Website & Media Coordinator)

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