December 2014 – Floral Displays – Julie Woods; Christmas Buffet

Christmas seems a long time ago but still fresh in our memories are the hints and tips dispensed by Julie Woods at our December meeting when she expertly demonstrated floral displays in front of our very eyes. A former Fowlmere girl, Julie kept up an interesting commentary on life in the village ‘back in the day’ while weaving her magic with Oasis, holly, ivy and special exotic flowers. A not-to-be-forgotten performance. A well-attended meeting with over fifty people present, we all enjoyed the superb buffet with a table groaning with nibbles. The glass of wine enhanced the festive atmosphere!

But on to the new club year and on 6 February, after a really speedy AGM, we will commence with another popular event – the annual fun quiz when tables of members pit their wits to answer not only gardening questions and plant identification but also topics as varied as current affairs, personalities and anagrams! As I write I am sure that our expert Quizmaster, Glen Link, will be finalising the questions. Come along and join in the fun.

Also booking will be open for our coach trip to Beth Chattos’ garden on 18 July and just a few places are available to join our weekend trip to the Cotswolds from 5 to 8 June. Visitors are very welcome.

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